This year, we made a decision at Terry Louison Photography to devote more of our time and energy to charitable causes. In that spirit, we took part in a fundraiser for MARE – the Massachusetts Adoption Resources Exchange – on Thursday, September 16. The event was sponsored by Advanced Mortgage Services, and hosted at the Southers Marsh Golf Club in Plymouth. Participants geared up for a day of golf, followed by a party and a silent auction in the evening. Golfers enjoyed a beautiful day while we captured some prize moments on camera to help advertise the event on behalf of both MARE and Advanced Mortgage Services.
Terry has been involved with MARE for the past several years as a Heart Gallery Photographer and covering various events on behalf of the organization. “The first time I saw the Heart Gallery portraits of the kids, I called MARE immediately and said I have to be a part of this!”
MARE has helped more than 5,350 foster children find permanent homes since 1957, the year it was founded. If you want to learn more about this private, non-profit charitable organization, feel free to contact MARE at 617-54-ADOPT, or visit them online at
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